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Submission Instructions:

Submissions must be entered using Judgify, a unified awards management system. Follow these simple steps to enter your work:

Complete the online entry form and submit materials.

  • After clicking the submissions link, follow the prompt to register as a new user (if you have not already). 
  • Complete the "Entrant Profile" form and click Submit.
  • Complete the form for your first entry. 
  • Electronic media: Provide a URL/link to the live or archived work.
  • Print media: Upload PDF, Word, or image files via the submission form.
    If your file is large, you can upload it to a shared platform (Google Drive, Dropbox) and share the link, ensuring that anyone can open and view the file.
  • For campaigns or multi-part submissions, a single file that consolidates links and descriptions of each component is very helpful for effective judging. You can also include all materials in a shared folder in Google Drive or Dropbox and submit as a link.
  • Condense your file to be less than 50MB. 
  • Please submit multi-page documents with a link.
  • You may return to the form and complete the submission later if necessary.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submit through Friday, January 31, 2025, 11:59PM Pacific Time.

  • Up to 10 submissions per member (max 3 per category). You must have been a member of Episcopal Communicators for at least one day during the 2024 calendar year to submit.

  • The cost is $35/entry for General Excellence, and $20/entry for Regular Categories.

  • Submissions must have been produced during 2024.

  • Attendance at CommsCon25 (formerly EpisComm) is not required to submit for Polly Bond Award consideration. 

Name your submission:

  • Provide a concise, clear title to the work to identify your entry. The title may be an article title, campaign name, or a summary title you create. This is the title that will appear on your award certificate should you win.

  • Please use this naming convention for the file names of your entry: SpecificCategory_LastNameFirstName For example, if Susie Smith is submitted a Visual Arts entry, it would look like this: Visual Arts_Photography_SmithSusie.

 Submit a Polly Bond Award Entry ยป

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